Exciting news... we've just sold our online retail business, Liquid Soul Gifts. It proves that we were doing something right and it was a venture worth it's while. We were glad, that with all the work we put into it, others were able to see its unique value. All the while, we weren't as successful as we had hoped :( we both learned ALOT about being entrepreneurs. We decided to sell because we knew its potential for growth was not being met. It needed a lot more marketing attention than we could give. We had some great marketing plans and no funds (or time for that matter) to realize them. The journey was a great learning experience in all aspects (for one, Quickbooks and I are no longer enemies).
We'd like to thank all of our family and friends for your support and purchases over the past 2 + years. Also, a special thanks to Brad & Jaci for their guidance. Farewell Liquid Soul Gifts. Long live Bolin Enterprises!
And, we'd like to say Congratulations to the proud new owner's, Rick & Cheryl !!! They've been such a pleasure to work with and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors.

And last but not least... I've just added some really neat new products to the 'Rememberance Jewelry' line. They are sterling silver pendants that hold keepsakes; your baby's lock of hair, a scripture, etc... Check them out if you're curious. Click on any of the images to access. I'm sure the new owner's would appreciate your traffic. :)

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