Mommy's Prince
Our little buddy is FOUR months old today! It has been an amazing and adventurous four months. Ryan and I can't quite remember what life was like without him.
Parker is getting bigger each day and is constantly learning new tricks. He has developed quite a strong oral fixation. Anything near his face or hands will eventually end up in his mouth. He's just tasting the world! He can sit up with help from mom or dad or his bumbo chair and has just discovered his feet. He's fascinated by them! He can't quite reach them yet, but he sometimes 'catches' them and explores his toes.
Coos, goos and burbles are part of his daily converstions. He can get quite loud, when he gets going. He trys out new syllables and sounds everyday. Yesterday, I heard the 'B' sound for the first time. And when I was changing his diaper after a nap last weekend, I could have sworn he sang part of a Mozart tune from his musical mobile.
I can now get him to giggle occasionally. It usually involves doing something silly like jumping up and down and singing Patty Cake or singing numbers in Spanish and then kissing him on the nose. He loves the anticipation of it and starts smiling or laughing before the finale. He also enjoys standing up. We hang on to his little hands and stand him up on his feet. I think it's exciting for him to see the world from this new perspective.
We are thoroughly enjoying parenthood and the lifestyle changes that come with it. Parker is the most precious blessing that has entered our lives. And we are thankful for every moment we have with him!
He gets more adorable every day :) can't wait to meet him! Please tell me he'll be joining us for kim's wedding.