It's summer and there's so much fun to be had. Here's a quick glimpse of what we've been up to...

Our handsome little munchkin is 6 months old! He checked out at 15 pounds, 3 ounces and is growing at a steady rate. We've just started him on solid foods. He's taken to the spoon very well and has tried rice cereal and yams, so far. Stay tuned for some sticky business photos.!

Baby Shower for some friends of ours, Kat, Jeremy and their baby to be.

Kat & Jeremy with Parker. Do you think he knows what's inside that belly? Hint: it's a little girl!

Cousin Ellee caught thinking about what sort of trouble she can get into next.

P with a family friend, Josh.

P Squared! I got the privelege of watching a friend's son for a few days this month. His name is also Parker. He's six weeks younger than our little guy, although his size would make you think otherwise. Our days were filled with lots of song and play.

They were fascinated with eachother.

Parker attacks! Don't worry they played nicely and even shared some toys.

Daddy & P

P loves to read

I don't understand why he just won't ever sit up straight in his Bumbo. He's always hanging over the side trying to get at things.

Uncle Micah stops in for a visit

Lazy summer days

Parker cooling down in his new kiddie pool.
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