I’m thankful for…
My family
My husband
My friends (even though it seems hard at times to keep in touch)
The little miracle inside of me and the many other blessings the Lord has given us
….BUT this year I’m especially thankful to still have my brother in my life. As some of you know, last weekend was quite dramatic, as my brother ended up spending a night in the ER. Everett was hit by a car from behind, on his motorcycle. He was flipped 10 feet in the air and came out with no major injuries. It’s unbelievable that he survived with no broken bones or other serious conditions. He ended up with some major bruises and can’t walk on his own yet, but nothing that time won’t heal (hopefully). After the crash the police discovered the motorcycle had traveled some 150 yards from the point of impact, hit another oncoming car and was completely totaled. I’m convinced that there were angels present, who lifted him out of harms way and gently set him down. Things like this remind me of how precious life is and how easily it can be lost. I’m thankful for my brother; I couldn’t imagine life without him. I love you Chev!

*Chev, know that we are praying for your quick recovery and compensation for your losses.
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