We couldn't help ourselves; we just had to know!
We are pretty much completely moved into our new house and now know whether Baby Bolin’s room should be Blue or Pink! Are you ready for it? Are you sitting down?....... The 20 week ultrasound appointment revealed that Baby is 100% BOY! It was an amazing experience to see 'him' in reality. He was yawning and squirming around. It was just incredible for us both and the feeling of joy was just indescribable! He consistently measured in at 21 weeks and not 20 weeks, although my due date will still remain as February 10th. It’s nice to know that he’s ahead of where we thought he was, especially since everyone thinks I’m carrying small and can’t believe I’m already 5 months. I just have a lot of torso space. It was so cool to have a little surprise revealed half way through and such a blessing to confirm that all parts are in working order and everything is healthy. We wouldn’t have been able to not find out. It was such a cool experience and now we can prepare for the specifics. Names anyone…?
Oh my gosh! Your home is beautiful! I can't wait to come for a visit :) Hope you guys are having fun!