Monday, May 11, 2009

Hats Off to Moms!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Super women!

New clothes from Grandma Doody

Way close up

Two silly boys!

Enjoying the beautiful weather

Showing mommy how he can now hold his own toys.

Friday! I missed this little bugga all week. of his last nights in his bassinett

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Babbling Bits

This kid loves to talk! And he's getting louder and louder.

Mommy's sleeping beauty. Parker got so tuckered out from his fun filled day that he couldn't stay awake while nursing. I didn't have the heart to wake him. He looked too cute! A baby's life is exhausting going from one activity to the other: play gym, bumbo chair, tummy time, visitors, kitten watching...

Parker will be 13 weeks old on Monday, May 4th. He weighs in at 13 pounds, 4 ounces! What a chunk!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bumbo Mania!

We sat Parker in his Bumbo chair for the first time this weekend and it was a success. He really likes it. It gives him a totally different perspective of his little world!

New Trick!

I can roll over (well not officially)!!!

Layette set from A.J., minus the socks. He kicked them off.

Parker showing off his handsome daddy.

Landscaping. We have trees!

Super Cool new shades from Grandma Judy.

Sporting his cool new pants and socks from California. We did some shopping at Nartjie. There were deals that just couldn't be passed up.

Enjoying some tummy time. He's starting to like this more and more.

Helping Mommy write thank you cards. Thanks Aunt Patti for the toys from Germany!

This is the only time he's ever fallen asleep with his 'hands free.' He loves to be swaddled.