The first few days on our own were quite different. Everything happened at a much slower pace. There was no one to come running to my aid at the snap of my fingers. Our sink immediately began generating dirty dishes and our laundry basket began filing up. Now we've got things figured out and back in order. Ryan is an ANGEL. He insists that I not lift a finger for housework because he'll take care of it (he's silly, I won't let him do everything). I don't know of a more helpful, encourgaging and supportive husband.
This week we've also been blessed with the delivery of several dinners. The women's ministry from our church wanted to bring us meals, as they do for all new moms. There was such a large crowd of eager women wanting to cook, that next week's dinners are covered as well. I don't think I will need to cook for another month with all the left overs we'll end up with. Tonight we are having lasagna with a garden salad and garlic bread. Thank You ladies of Alliance Fellowship!!!
Grandma Judy with her sweet pea. Holding his head up on his own at only 2 weeks. He's still a bit wobbly, but we think he's a strong little man.
Curious Kitty.
Our cat Mara has adjusted to the new addition exceptionally well, considering the fact that she is a bit of an odd cat. She prefers Ryan and I, but deals with strangers when they happen to enter her territory. We thought she would hiss and run from him at first, but somehow she senses that he's ours and will be a permanent fixture in the household. When he's anywhere near her, she'll just sit and curiously watch him with a gentle eye.
February 22nd - Happy 29th Birthday Ryan!!!
This was also our first Sunday attending church. We made it through half the service before Ryan had to get up to walk the halls with all the other parents of fussy babies. He's such a good dad!
Waking up. He loves to stretch out and arch his back when he wakes up.
I'm Free!
This was Parker's two and a half week check-up. He's a growing little peanut, weighing in at 7 pounds, 14 ounces and 20.5 inches long. The circumference of his head was 1 inch larger than it was at birth! He made it through with no screaming fits (he loves to scream when we change his diaper, but he'll eventually out grow it... we hope.)
Celebrity Babies
Parker with the Dalbey babies. This was the first time that Elle, Aaron and Parker were all together. We were celebrating Ryan's 29th birthday and Grandpa Don's 8^th. The entire family had their cameras in hand; with all the flashes and commotion, it felt like we were being bombarded by the paparazzi! But, that's normal behavior for our family gatherings.